New coach options & proposals

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

Moderators: Shpati, ZenMaster

Should we have a foreign or Albanian coach next?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:12 am

Total votes: 16
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artan wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:50 pm
Aurora Bulkualis wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:19 pm
CanaYouDoIt wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 11:59 am Also regarding 3 at the back. It’s not the formation that’s the problem , it’s the way we go about it . Atletico Madrid use it, Chelsea use it , successful teams , but they don’t play in a manor we saw 15 years ago and they are compact unlike us. I think a manager can make it work but he just has been a flop.
It is the formation because we dont have the players for it. Those teams do.

Our wings are the weakest point, and we need extra personnel there to stretch the play. Playing only with wingbacks when one of them is Hysaj playing on the wrong side of the field is a recipe for disaster.

Look at when we beat Portugal or Romania with DB. Always a right winger crossing to CF. First time it was Roshi, but with Romania it was fucking Lila.
For how defensive we played under DB we usually had decent counters on the flank with Roshi and Lenjani. We don't have that anymore because of Reja's style with having two wingbacks (who the past 3 years neither can get forward) and with playing two sluggish forwards in Balaj/Manaj/Cika/Seferi. Also those teams pressed alot creating quick counter attacking chances. We don't press anymore and we generally just sit back in our half inviting crosses.

Reja's style is very slow and our guys don't have the possession and discipline to play in it. I would go back to a 4-3-3 and go back to a more pressing and counter attacking style. We shouldn't play a back three to accommodate a Serie A bench player in Ismajli or fool us thinking that Hysaj has the ability to be a wingback because he played for Napoli.


Broja and Bajrami certainly don't have the workates to press but that gets made up for with Uzuini, Bare and Laci who can all press.
I like this lineup. I'd put Bajrami on the right wing as he can cut inside too bc Balliu is very good at going forward, unlike Hysaj. Now I know Bajrami's preferred role is ACM but we have no other wingers other than Uzuni rn so we can try him there, while also at the same having 3 other CM's in the lineup to do the dirty work benefits the team as a whole. If this doesn't work, then switch to a 4-2-3-1 with Bajrami as ACM, and Asllani and Bare next to each other as CM's.
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We don't have budget to hire foreign elite manager so my favourite choice would been Paolo Tramezzani. Paolo knows albanian players, our mentality, environment and is still in early days of his managerial career so he must be ambitious to reach success.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Klejdi1023 wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 5:21 pm
artan wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:50 pm
Aurora Bulkualis wrote: Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:19 pm

It is the formation because we dont have the players for it. Those teams do.

Our wings are the weakest point, and we need extra personnel there to stretch the play. Playing only with wingbacks when one of them is Hysaj playing on the wrong side of the field is a recipe for disaster.

Look at when we beat Portugal or Romania with DB. Always a right winger crossing to CF. First time it was Roshi, but with Romania it was fucking Lila.
For how defensive we played under DB we usually had decent counters on the flank with Roshi and Lenjani. We don't have that anymore because of Reja's style with having two wingbacks (who the past 3 years neither can get forward) and with playing two sluggish forwards in Balaj/Manaj/Cika/Seferi. Also those teams pressed alot creating quick counter attacking chances. We don't press anymore and we generally just sit back in our half inviting crosses.

Reja's style is very slow and our guys don't have the possession and discipline to play in it. I would go back to a 4-3-3 and go back to a more pressing and counter attacking style. We shouldn't play a back three to accommodate a Serie A bench player in Ismajli or fool us thinking that Hysaj has the ability to be a wingback because he played for Napoli.


Broja and Bajrami certainly don't have the workates to press but that gets made up for with Uzuini, Bare and Laci who can all press.
I like this lineup. I'd put Bajrami on the right wing as he can cut inside too bc Balliu is very good at going forward, unlike Hysaj. Now I know Bajrami's preferred role is ACM but we have no other wingers other than Uzuni rn so we can try him there, while also at the same having 3 other CM's in the lineup to do the dirty work benefits the team as a whole. If this doesn't work, then switch to a 4-2-3-1 with Bajrami as ACM, and Asllani and Bare next to each other as CM's.
I honestly don't know Bajrami's preferred position. At the moment I would like him on the wings as he does have pace and is a good dribbler while I haven't seen much of his passing and calmness to be a central midfielder (ie Bare). While Laci is a headless chicken offensively he does have a excellent work rate that provides value in a pressing style of play. Generally, I think we need to go back to a pressing/quick style of play as our players don't have the IQ and discipline to play otherwise. The less our guys think the better while it's generally easier for smaller teams to play a physical style of play as it's easier to find these kind of players as opposed to technical and disciplined players.

In paper this style should be a better version of DB's squads. Less potential on the defensive end as we generally had a core of players who pressed relentlessly (Xhaka, Abrashi, Lila and Lenjani were dogs) but the potential offensively is much better. I don't remember any player for us having the swagger and hunger to score like Broja has. Valdet Rama kind of had it but it was very short lived.
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Edi Reja drejtoi gishtin nga motivimi pas ndeshjes së barazuar pa gola ndaj Estonisë. Duke folur për SuperSport, trajneri italian i kuqezinjve tha se qershori është një muaj i vështirë për të tijtë, teksa u shpreh se edhe mungesa e tifozëve në shkallët e stadiumit zbehu motivimin.

Pse skuadra vuan kaq shumë për të goditur portën dhe shënuar?
Është një jetë që flitet për këto situata, por në këtë periudhë fundi të kampionatit, është e vështirë të gjesh stimuj. Ishin të gjithë të lodhur dhe me gjithë respektin për djemtë, që kanë punuar mirë dhe janë stërvitur, por ka qenë e vështirë që të japin maksimumin. Kam provuar disa lojtarë të rinj dhe kam parë disa gjëra pozitive, për të qenë besimplotë për të ardhmen. Dukej si një ndeshje e luajtur në mes të gushtit dhe dihen vështirësitë në situata të tilla. Ndeshje të tilla nuk kanë rëndësi në shumë aspekte, pasi duhet të kemi parasysh edhe faktin që nuk kishte tifozë dhe kjo e zbeh akoma më shumë motivimin e lojtarëve.

Çfarë ju pëlqeu dhe çfarë jo, nga lojtarët dhe testet që bëtë sot?
Në mënyrë të veçantë nuk më pëlqen fakti që shkojmë shumë pak në fundore dhe nuk arrijmë të japim krosimet e duhura, për të rrezikuar portën. Kishim punuar shumë, por nuk kemi lojtarët e duhur për të bërë këtë, pasi duhen futbollistë teknikë, që kanë cilësi për të marrë fundoren dhe për të fituar dyluftimet një kundër një. Më pëlqyen bajrami dhe Muçolli, që janë të rinj dhe treguan personalitet e cilësi. Edhe Mersinaj e Çokaj kanë bërë mirë, por janë lojtarë të perspektivës. Po ndjekim edhe futbollistë të tjerë nëpër Europë, për të gjetur 2-3 të talentuar, që të zgjidhim edhe këtë problem që thamë sot.

Nëse nuk kemi lojtarët e duhur për këtë lloj skeme, pse nuk provojmë diçka tjetër?
Mund edhe të ndryshojmë dhe madje edhe sot lëvizëm diçka, duke aktivizuar Uzunin bashkë me Brojën dhe Vrionin. Nuk mendoj se duke ndryshuar skemë, mund të bëjmë ndonjë gjë të shumë, por luajmë kështu për të pasur më shumë siguri. Duhet të bëjmë diçka më tepër nga mesfusha e lart, pasi na mungojnë lojtarët që mund të na zgjidhin ndeshjen, sidomos në sfida si kjo ndaj Estonisë, ku kundërshtari mbrohet me forca të shumta. Ne jemi një skuadër e mirë, por vetëm nëse luajmë si grup dhe sakrifikojmë. Mund të luajmë si të barabartë me kundërshtarë si Polonia, Hungaria etj., por duhet të krijojmë një grup solid, me lojtarë që e duan fanellën dhe sakrifikojnë për të. Unë kur kam ardhur kam folur me disa nga lojtarët e vjetër, të cilët më kanë thënë se me skemën me katër mbrojtës, nuk kemi siguri. Unë si trajner kam aplikuar edhe skema të tjera, por mendoj se kjo është skema e duhur që ekipi të ketë siguri në fushë.
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