[WC 2018] Albania - FYROM Macedonia - 05/09/2016

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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Migjeni i think you are very confused and you are illustrating magnificently the problem in todays societies not only in albania but everywhere with people thinking that the dislike of islam and muslims is an overreaction.

The problem is that most who think like you know absolutely nothing about islam. You treat islam in the way you think it is, not in the way it really is. Btw, i'm sorry to inform you, but you are not in good standing with other muslims (the real ones):
quran, sura 3:19 wrote:O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: "If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed," so that Allâh may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allâh that gives life and causes death. And Allâh is AllSeer of what you do.
So allah pretty much tells muslims not to be like you. Want me to bring you more quotes about how you will suffer in hell for being a "hypocrite"?
rrëfeni mëkatet tuaja: www.faltore.al
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Funny thing is, ISIS and Leandro agree on what Islam is and what Islam says. I think I'll stick to what 99% of all other Albanian Muslims think and believe.
Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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It's your right to join the flock man. Voluntary ignorance is why albanians are the most backwards people in europe.

What about these, what % of albanians are they?
rrëfeni mëkatet tuaja: www.faltore.al
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That one percent, which does not agree with the rest. I thought you'd get that. As for religious co-existence we're not backwards at all. We're the front runners.
Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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Leandro wrote:Migjeni i think you are very confused and you are illustrating magnificently the problem in todays societies not only in albania but everywhere with people thinking that the dislike of islam and muslims is an overreaction.

The problem is that most who think like you know absolutely nothing about islam. You treat islam in the way you think it is, not in the way it really is. Btw, i'm sorry to inform you, but you are not in good standing with other muslims (the real ones):
quran, sura 3:19 wrote:O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: "If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed," so that Allâh may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allâh that gives life and causes death. And Allâh is AllSeer of what you do.
So allah pretty much tells muslims not to be like you. Want me to bring you more quotes about how you will suffer in hell for being a "hypocrite"?
You do know religious books have a historical context right?

Or do you think the bible verse which says 'if a women shows her hair in public then you should shave her hair bald' (I'm paraphrasing) would be applicable today also?
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Erik wrote:You do know religious books have a historical context right?

Or do you think the bible verse which says 'if a women shows her hair in public then you should shave her hair bald' (I'm paraphrasing) would be applicable today also?
Please read above where i explained some key concepts in islam and difference between it and christianity. Islam is very literal and rigid. Every action you can possibly take in life can be and is evaluated on a scale of 5 (obligatory, recommended, allowed, disliked and forbidden).

Furthermore most of islam's good stuff is cancelled and void (abrogated) due to the doctrine of abrogation in islam, which means that if there is a conflict in one situation between two surahs, the one who was written later takes precedence and the former is abrogated and it is as if it never existed. The problem with this being that while muhammad was in mecca he was not too bad, but when he afterwards went to medina he went crazy and wrote all the stuff which ISIS is doing today.

I always find it funny how some people like migjeni here think that they know islam better than ISIS or al-qaeda without reading a single surah. Apparently, ISIS who read quran, hadith and sunna all day and night know it wrong. :roll:

Muslims need help and we are not helping them by being ignorants who, perhaps naively, support a fascist ideology.
rrëfeni mëkatet tuaja: www.faltore.al
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ISIS doesn't have one reputable scholar amongst them or who supports them. Every major scholar denounces them, but Leandro and the likes of him cut and paste everything to fit their view of the world.

ISIS are of the khawarij sect which has existed since Ali's time. But let's keep it at that, because I'm not hear to discuss Islam with someone who probably gets his info from the very credible WikiIslam and YT-videos of the same quality.

Also, Muslims don't need your help. You're the only ignorant here, trying to tell Muslims that they're not following their faith in the right way. Idiotic claim really, but even if that was the case, it's funny that you don't appreciate that, but want them to follow the 'Islam' of ISIS.
Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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If you were to go back 40-50 years ago and tell self identified progressives and leftists that "the left" would be the side that was defending the muslim religion they would laugh in your face. It's sad to think about, i'm really tired of hearing that Islam is the religion of peace actually. It's like going back to when the crusades were happening and claiming that Christianity is peaceful religion and that they're only a few bad apples. It sad to see the left ideology shift towards the bullshit post-modernistic state it's currently in. (Glad you don't fall in this group, Migjeni.) Really wish we could do away with all religions.
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I consider myself a leftist - hell, even a Socialist, but I'm going to defend every minority group which is being raped in the media, and I believe that that's the reason for the 'left' being not the strongest critics of fanatical Muslims. The left has historically been very 'progressive' when it comes to religion, so I understand your sentiment.

Also, the concept of a religion being a 'religion of [insert good/bad word]' is for me a weird concept. I don't view Islam or any other religion as being that or something else. The same goes for ideologies also. Just like some would call democracy peaceful, I would beg to differ, as I consider democracy peaceful, but not pacifist, which is another thing completely.

Thing is though, that there are some bad apples. Now, depending where you go, the amount of apples may vary. But let's be honest now; Islam is the religion of over one billion people. If they adhered to the violent strand and believed the violent interpretation of the faith, we'd have fully-fledged war amongst all people in the world. This doesn't go for Muslims only. It's a concept that we shouldn't put all people in the same basket, because they share a religion, belief, background etc. Yes, islamism is a big problem that should be dealt with, but persecuting all other Muslims won't solve the problem. On the contrary.

We agree fully on the post modern state.

I don't know regarding religions. I wish I was an Atheist or Agnostic, as it would make things much easier, but I'm a Muslim. I can't run away from it. I believe that people are free to worship and believe anything they want, as long as they don't try to push their beliefs on me or try to interfere in my life, my choices etc.
I'm a secular, but not a militant secular who wants to ban people from wearing crosses, kippas or hijabs. I don't believe that religion and state should be intertwined at all, although I believe that the state should be the one who is the sponsor of the religious communities in our lands, as the state will have a say regarding what is preached, taught etc. - I also believe that we should try to oust any foreign influence when it comes to religion in Albanian lands.
Kafshatë që s'kapërdihet asht, or vlla, mjerimi..
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Your post is hilarious with its fallacies. First of all, leftists have been anti-religion historically and not pro-religion. Communists have always been atheists and the left states of the world have gone as far as banning religion altogether.

When it comes to minority rights, in usa for example, it has been the republicans who have historically been their defenders, not the democrats. Slavery was ended by republicans and the civil rights act was also passed by republicans.

Leftists always use minorities as a means to take power. They dont care about them, furthermore they sink them deeper into the shit with this strategy of lower expectations and empty promises. Everywhere where leftist ideology stepped foot that place went to hell, despite promising civil rights paradise. Coincidence?

From what you said, it seems to me that you imply all religions are the same. This is completely false. I dont know how you can say that when for example buddhism rejects the notion of a god. Hinduism is polytheism. The abrahamic religions are monotheist. And islam is the only religion that does not accept coexistence with any other religion. How are they the same?

Also you mentioned the 1 billion muslims. Actually they are 1.5 billion. But where do these muslims live? Do they live in the USA and europe? Do they live in japan and australia? No, they don't live there. They live in the most fucked up countries in the world. Middle east, africa, south-east asia. And most of these countries are governed by one form of islamic law or another.

So in the societies which these billion muslims have formed, there are stuff like killing someone for being gay or atheist for example. The position of woman is that of a piece of property and civil rights are mostly nonexistent.

Can a billion people be wrong? Yes they can and yes they are. Those who suffer most from islam are muslims themselves. The people who feel right at home with islam are sociopaths like these:
https://www.facebook.com/antitheistleag ... 987204963/ Also lets debunk this "some bad apples" theory once and for all. Take a look at these polls and open your eyes really well.

http://www.pewforum.org/2013/04/30/the- ... ut-sharia/

"some" bad apples, for sure

No point beating a dead horse here anymore btw. You can have the last word. 10 october cant come soon enough.
rrëfeni mëkatet tuaja: www.faltore.al
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