Albanian National Team [General topic]

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Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Plako » Wed Jul 24, 2024 4:40 pm

Princ wrote: ↑Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:00 am AB made the news for unfollowing Enzo 😂😂

Come on bruh!

You said you would make history but then let Sugar Ray Manaj eat your lunch!

Super weak..
He also made the team that travelled to the US in pre-season so maybe it paid off dividends. Other players who were in the market did not make it.

Broja: Milan reopen talks with Chelsea for striker ... s-chelsea/

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Princ » Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:00 am

AB made the news for unfollowing Enzo 😂😂

Come on bruh!

You said you would make history but then let Sugar Ray Manaj eat your lunch!

Super weak..

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Aurora Bulkualis » Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:26 am

Plako wrote: ↑Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:50 pm
Aurora Bulkualis wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:12 pm This idea has been discussed forever. The thing is no one cares. Duka is ok because diaspora makes up for it. Albanian clubs just buy cheap players from Africa or Serbia. If one or two players like Uzuni or Muci get through, then great.

No one wants to invest the time and money. Like Starova said, it's much labour intensive as a youth coach than senior, because every player needs to be nurtured properly, taught what they're doing wrong and right, where to improve, etc... It's not just about results.
We need the wealthy like Samir Mane and Cet Kastrati to start investing in our football. The likes of Gaz Demi don't have enough money to make these clubs competitive in Europe.
I don't think those guys give af about football... Even the other owners use football clubs to turn a profit. Ai vend eshte zaptuar nga kurva te bapzitura.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Plako » Mon Jul 22, 2024 8:50 pm

Aurora Bulkualis wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:12 pm This idea has been discussed forever. The thing is no one cares. Duka is ok because diaspora makes up for it. Albanian clubs just buy cheap players from Africa or Serbia. If one or two players like Uzuni or Muci get through, then great.

No one wants to invest the time and money. Like Starova said, it's much labour intensive as a youth coach than senior, because every player needs to be nurtured properly, taught what they're doing wrong and right, where to improve, etc... It's not just about results.
We need the wealthy like Samir Mane and Cet Kastrati to start investing in our football. The likes of Gaz Demi don't have enough money to make these clubs competitive in Europe.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Aurora Bulkualis » Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:12 pm

This idea has been discussed forever. The thing is no one cares. Duka is ok because diaspora makes up for it. Albanian clubs just buy cheap players from Africa or Serbia. If one or two players like Uzuni or Muci get through, then great.

No one wants to invest the time and money. Like Starova said, it's much labour intensive as a youth coach than senior, because every player needs to be nurtured properly, taught what they're doing wrong and right, where to improve, etc... It's not just about results.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by ZenMaster » Thu Jul 18, 2024 11:44 am

Simboli i Diellit wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:47 am
ZenMaster wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:15 am
Duhet te shtyhet si ide moratoriumi edhe neper social e nga tifozet. Duhet ndjekur shembulli i Gjeorgjise ku shumica e lojtarve te kombetares jane rritur ne vend edhe pse luajne jashte. Mendoj se duhet te kete dhe nje limit ku pervec se te kesh nje kuote te kete te pakten 1-2 pacient nen 21 te akademise se klubit ne menyre qe te stimuloje rritjen e jo vetem te marrinnte rinj nga akademite e tjera.
Moratoriumi kish me shkaktu domino efekt ne futbollin shqiptar. Klubet si fillim kishin me i kushtu shume rendesi ekipeve te moshave, presidenti nuk kish pas "hesap" me majt ne pune trajnera qe marrin leke nga prinderit e femijeve por i kishin ngrit pagesat e trajnerave te moshave per me pas seleksionim sa ma meritor, niveli absurd i pagesave per lojtar te vjeter kish ra. Nese i kishe pas me detyrim 3 futbollista nen 21 vjec ne fushe dhe nje 18 apo me te ri ja kishin pa "hajrin" kombetaret e moshave se osht me lehte per selektorin me zgjedh prej listes te futbollistave te Superiores e Kategorise te pare qe aktivizohen ne vazhdimesi se sa sot ku 90% lojtareve kan lujt pak ose hiq ne nivel "profesional". Interesi i tifozerise ish rrit ne menyre organike se interesi me pa psh Flamurtarin me 4-5 lab ne fushe do ishte me i madh, ne rastin me te keq veq familjar e te njohur te atyre futbollistave do te beheshin me shume se sa sot te Flamurtarit me brazilian e afrikan.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Simboli i Diellit » Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:47 am

ZenMaster wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:15 am Te gjithe trajnerat qe kan punu ne Kosove e kan permend si fakt, nga Josa, Daja dhe Starova ka qene me i zeshmi diferencen ne mes Kosoves dhe Shqiperise me punen me moshat. Kosova ne raport me regjionin eshte shume keq, paramendo sa keq duhet te jete Shqiperia. E kam permend nja 100 here ne forum qe pa moratorium 5 vjecar te lojtareve te huaj, dhe secila skuader me pas detyrim me fut 3 lojtar nen 21 vjec ne formacion, nuk fillon kurre puna me moshat ne Shqiperi se klubet kan drejte me fut 5 lojtar te huaj, shtoj ketu edhe kosovaret dhe maqedonasit qe nuk llogariten si te huaj atehere ni skuader mund ti kete 80%-90% lojtar te huaj dhe lindin "realitete" si Egnatia, Kukesi etj, ato pak skuadra qe bojn pune pak ma te mire se tjeret me moshat penalizohen se nuk ke shanca te jesh kompetitiv dhe ato detyrohen me marr lojtar te huaj. Ne Shqiperi bohet debat me rrit numrin e te huajve, gazetaret si Stefa, Aga e marrin shembull Premier League, ende se kam degju asnje trajner, ish futbollist, "specialist", gazetar qe e sheh si problem mungesen e hapesirave per futbollista te rinj, kuotat i shohin si "ide te regjimit komunist". Gjeorgjise i ka mjaftu nje Kvaratskhelia qe osht shit 20 milion, edhe Dinamo Tblisi luan ne kupa te Europes me 8 futbollista gjeorgian nen 23 vjec, starton me mbrojtes majte 15 vjecar dhe sulmues 16 vjecar.
Duhet te shtyhet si ide moratoriumi edhe neper social e nga tifozet. Duhet ndjekur shembulli i Gjeorgjise ku shumica e lojtarve te kombetares jane rritur ne vend edhe pse luajne jashte. Mendoj se duhet te kete dhe nje limit ku pervec se te kesh nje kuote te kete te pakten 1-2 pacient nen 21 te akademise se klubit ne menyre qe te stimuloje rritjen e jo vetem te marrinnte rinj nga akademite e tjera.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by ZenMaster » Thu Jul 18, 2024 2:15 am

Aurora Bulkualis wrote: ↑Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:40 am Interesting interview from Sulejman Starova. He said youth football training is pretty much nonexistent in Albania. All those youth "academies" are a farce according to him.

I've said this stuff for a while, but it's nice to hear from someone who was a part of the system. This is for Princ & co who blame "genetics" :lol:
Te gjithe trajnerat qe kan punu ne Kosove e kan permend si fakt, nga Josa, Daja dhe Starova ka qene me i zeshmi diferencen ne mes Kosoves dhe Shqiperise me punen me moshat. Kosova ne raport me regjionin eshte shume keq, paramendo sa keq duhet te jete Shqiperia. E kam permend nja 100 here ne forum qe pa moratorium 5 vjecar te lojtareve te huaj, dhe secila skuader me pas detyrim me fut 3 lojtar nen 21 vjec ne formacion, nuk fillon kurre puna me moshat ne Shqiperi se klubet kan drejte me fut 5 lojtar te huaj, shtoj ketu edhe kosovaret dhe maqedonasit qe nuk llogariten si te huaj atehere ni skuader mund ti kete 80%-90% lojtar te huaj dhe lindin "realitete" si Egnatia, Kukesi etj, ato pak skuadra qe bojn pune pak ma te mire se tjeret me moshat penalizohen se nuk ke shanca te jesh kompetitiv dhe ato detyrohen me marr lojtar te huaj. Ne Shqiperi bohet debat me rrit numrin e te huajve, gazetaret si Stefa, Aga e marrin shembull Premier League, ende se kam degju asnje trajner, ish futbollist, "specialist", gazetar qe e sheh si problem mungesen e hapesirave per futbollista te rinj, kuotat i shohin si "ide te regjimit komunist". Gjeorgjise i ka mjaftu nje Kvaratskhelia qe osht shit 20 milion, edhe Dinamo Tblisi luan ne kupa te Europes me 8 futbollista gjeorgian nen 23 vjec, starton me mbrojtes majte 15 vjecar dhe sulmues 16 vjecar.

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Aurora Bulkualis » Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:40 am

Interesting interview from Sulejman Starova. He said youth football training is pretty much nonexistent in Albania. All those youth "academies" are a farce according to him.

I've said this stuff for a while, but it's nice to hear from someone who was a part of the system. This is for Princ & co who blame "genetics" :lol:

Re: Albanian National Team [General topic]

by Plako » Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:37 pm

Dallku wrote: ↑Tue Jul 09, 2024 6:59 pm Looks like Sylvinho will stay.

Ironically, doing favors in the Euros actually hurt him from getting offers. He hurt himself more.
What possible offers could he have had that got hurt by his Euro resutls?
