Blushi vs. Rama

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Let's discuss this topic (if anyone is interesting). Blushi has written at least two very biting pieces that criticize the current "Rilindja" government. This was also the topic of last night's Opinion, which I have unfortunately not been able to see as I rely on Klan's channel on Youtube to see them (though I take full credit for the episode as I PM'd Fevziu on Facebook three days ago and asked that this be a topic of a show!). Are you team Rama or team Blushi?

Here's URLs to the two pieces I was referring to, both fantastically written in my view. Both are in Albanian (prandaj ju qe nuk lexoni Shqip nuk besoj se ju vlejne shume...):

1- Permbytjet, Humbja e Pare e Shumices [pas permbytjeve ne jug] ... -shumices/

Some highlights (emphasis mine as this was my favorite of his pieces):

Burra te deformuar nga varferia dhe pija e zgjatur e deshperimit, gra te egersuara qe i sulen nje pakoje me biskota, kafshe te ngordhura qe kane dhene shpirt nga braktisja, femije te dobet qe shume shpejt do behen si prinderit e tyre, shtepi te shkaterruara nga mungesa e kujdesit dashuria njere- zore per strehen nga higjiena dhe kushtet minimale te jeteses, peizazhe te copetuara nga kafshimi brutal dhe i pangopur mbi natyren ne pergjithesi nje rrenim qe nuk ka shkak vetem permbytjen por qe permbytja i nxori ne diell per te na e sjelle para syve.

Nuk duhet te jem i vetmi qe e ka pyetur veten: ku jetojne keta njerez? Ne cilin shtet? A jetojne ata si ne? A kane me endrra iluzione shprese dhe fuqi per ta permiresuar jeten e tyre? A besojne ata se Shqiperia mund te ndryshoje? A kane me besim te miresia te ligji dhe te shteti? A u flasin femijeve te tyre per nje jete me te mire apo ky frymezim eshte zhdukur nga komunikimi familjar qe ne kushte mjerimi reduktohet ne "bli buken" "mbush ujin" "ushqe bagetite" "rrembe nje tulle" "gjej ca skrap" "mbyll driten" "naten e mire". Me sa duket fjalori i kufizuar i varferise eshte edhe me i vrazhde dhe shume me mizor se kaq sepse ka shume dhune shume hakmarrje shume mllef dhe shume pabesi. Dyshoj se varferia eshte nje semundje qe nuk po e mundim dot. Dhe jo vetem kaq. Ajo po shtohet duke zaptuar cdo dite me shume toka, cdo jave me shume shtepi, cdo muaj me shume fshatra dhe qytete, cdo vit me shume trupa, dhe cdo dekade me shume shpirtra.

Te varfrit jane dorezuar. Sic u pa edhe nga permbytja ata nuk luftuan. Sepse pervec jetes se tyre nuk kane cfare shpetojne tjeter. Kane shume pak per te mbrojtur. Prandaj delet dhe lopet u asfiksuan nga uji, shtepite u mbushen me llum deri ne maje, prandaj tokat do mbeten edhe shume kohe liqene te kalbur kufomash. Permbytja deshmoi se njerezit nuk luftuan per ta shmangur dhe aq me pak per ta mundur. Sidomos te varfrit qe jane me te prekurit iu dorezuan pa kushte permbytjes. Por permbytja eshte nje dite. Varferia eshte nje jete. Permbytja te vret. Varferia te torturon. Permbytja te mbyt. Varferia te merr frymen. Do ishte nje fabul ngjethese kjo e te varferve qe luten te kete permbytje me shpresen qe shteti te ktheje syte nga varferia e tyre. Natyrisht kjo nuk ka ndodhur, permbytja nuk eshte yshtur, askush nuk eshte lutur te mbytet por kjo nuk do te thote se te varfrit nuk kane kuptuar se edhe permbytja e yshtur nuk i nxjerr nga varferia.

Të varfërit kanë kuptuar pafuqinë tonë për t’i shpëtuar nga varfëria. Kanë provuar meskinitetin, cinizmin, burokracinë e pashpirt, armiqësinë e administratës, sterilitetin e shoqërisë, vjedhjen e pasurive të përbashkëta, padrejtësinë, pasigurinë, injorancën, frikën, ftohjen, thatësirën, shterpësinë e tokave, pamundësinë dhe paaftësinë e shtetit për t’i nxjerrë nga balta e mjerimit. Ata kanë ardhur duke u bërë më të varfër çdo ditë në njëzet vitet e fundit. Dhe nuk kanë më shpresë. Nuk kanë më arsye të kenë shpresë dhe në këtë pikë janë të mirëkuptuar.

Para zgjedhjeve të fundit, dikush prej nesh thoshte se varfëria është aleati më i madh i qeverive, pasi ajo mund të blihet lirë për t’u kthyer në vota, siç edhe ka ndodhur. Nëse kjo është e vërtetë, ky është fundi i moralit, siç janë zgjedhjet ngushëllimi I fundit moral. Por, nëse kjo ka qenë e vërtetë, atëherë mbetet e vërtetë, sepse të varfrit përgjatë një viti e gjysmë, nga zgjedhjet nuk kanë më pak. Ndoshta nuk janë më shumë, por janë njëlloj të pashpresë. Ose janë edhe më të pashpresë. Gjatë kësaj kohe ata kuptuan se ndërhyrjet morale, ligjore apo administrative, nuk e zbutën varfërinë, nuk i ulën taksat për të varfërit, nuk hapën më shumë punë, nuk zvogëluar borxhin, nuk e rritën ekonominë, nuk u kthyen në investime funksionale por vetëm estetike, nuk i lehtësuan çmimet e mallrave që shet shteti, nuk i rritën subvencionet, nuk i shtuan pensionet, nuk e përmirësuan skemën e asistencës sociale, nuk e ndëshkuan korrupsionin dhe prandaj, nëse reforma ka pasur, kjo nuk ka asnjë rëndësi për ta sepse jeta e tyre e përditshme nuk ka patur asnjë ndryshim.

2- Pse Rilindja ka vdekur ... det-ne-tv/

Some highlights:

Blushi thotë se Rilidja është vetëm kasta qeverisëse dhe jo Partia Socialiste, e cila luftoi për votat, por nuk erdhi asnjëherë në pushtet. Për Blushin, me Rilindje nuk mund të kuptojmë Partinë Socialiste, pasi Rilindja nuk ka statut, rregulla, zgjedhje, por vetëm emërime, prandaj, sipas tj nuk mblidhen Asambleja Kombëtare dhe kryesia e PS.

Sipas Blushit, Rilindja nuk ka rregulla dhe programe, por vetëm ambicie. Blushi arrin përmes analizës së tij të dallojë dy lloje rilindistësh të cilët, sipas tij, besojnë në diçka që nuk e njohin. Ai i ndan rilindistët në krenaristë dhe kanabistë. Të parët, për deputetin socialist, krenaristët, gjatë një viti e gjysmë të qeverisjes, ishin krenarë për çdo gjë, edhe për dështimet dhe mosarritjet e tyre, madje ata, sipas Blushit habiten se si shqiptarët nuk i shohin dhe nuk i kuptojnë arritjet e tyre.

Kategoria tjetër brenda rilindistëve, sipas Blushit, janë kanabistët, të cilët duan të fitojnë vetëm me ndihmën e shtetit. Kanabistët, për Blushin, dolën si ideatorë në momentin kur krenaristët dështuan me rritjen e vendeve të punës, të uljes së taksave dhe të luftës ndaj polarizimit të shoqërisë.
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Blushi is dead on. That first paragraph could have easily been written by Migjeni some 100 years ago. Let's face it, with the overthrow of the Communists, the ideal to build a better society, however minimal it may have been, died. Instead of wiping out what the Communists built for 45 years we should have tweaked our policies and adapt to the new post-communist world. We destroyed everything that was built those 45 years overnight and this is the end result.
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Plako wrote:Blushi is dead on. That first paragraph could have easily been written by Migjeni some 100 years ago. Let's face it, with the overthrow of the Communists, the ideal to build a better society, however minimal it may have been, died. Instead of wiping out what the Communists built for 45 years we should have tweaked our policies and adapt to the new post-communist world. We destroyed everything that was built those 45 years overnight and this is the end result.
There is no question that Blushi comes from a far more leftist wing of the party than Rama and these attacks are coming from the left. I also agree with everything he says.

As for the second part (i.e., tweaked policies), that is way too much to ask of people that have been suffering for 45 years, way too much to ask of those who had been put in internment camps and their family members who had been stigmatized for generations. In theory I do agree with you, but ultimately there was not "that much" that Albania had in 1990, so what was destroyed did not really amount to much in my view.
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NYVirus wrote:
Plako wrote:Blushi is dead on. That first paragraph could have easily been written by Migjeni some 100 years ago. Let's face it, with the overthrow of the Communists, the ideal to build a better society, however minimal it may have been, died. Instead of wiping out what the Communists built for 45 years we should have tweaked our policies and adapt to the new post-communist world. We destroyed everything that was built those 45 years overnight and this is the end result.
There is no question that Blushi comes from a far more leftist wing of the party than Rama and these attacks are coming from the left. I also agree with everything he says.

As for the second part (i.e., tweaked policies), that is way too much to ask of people that have been suffering for 45 years, way too much to ask of those who had been put in internment camps and their family members who had been stigmatized for generations. In theory I do agree with you, but ultimately there was not "that much" that Albania had in 1990, so what was destroyed did not really amount to much in my view.

The "overnight destruction" I am referring to is the wholesale changes that happened as soon as Berisha came to power. It was the ousting or the demoting of the directors, generals, managers and other people in leading positions because they were CP members or because the PD had to install their loyalists. It was the closing of all the state owned factories and the overnight privatization of those factories for pennies. It was the complete destruction of the state apparatus responsible for maintaining order which led to thugs taking over the streets and compete lack of accountability. Not sure where you grew up but roaming the streets of Tirana post 92 was very unsafe. Plenty of my friends were mugged, stripped of their clothes in the middle of the day coming back from school, teenage girls raped, middle aged women mugged for their jewelry, pickpockets everywhere, businessmen robbed in the middle of the day at the wholesale market. All of the above are things I experienced and saw with my own eyes and I wasn't even there when 1997 happened.

That was only the beginning. Now you have a whole new generation raised in this poisoned dog eat dog atmosphere and you expect things to be better. It will get much worse before it gets better.
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If I had a dime for every time a politician diagnosed the reality of the situation really well..Lulzim Basha diagnosed the problems in Albania perfectly in Opinion a month ago, especially about the politician disconnect from the poor lower classes. Too bad he didn't mention the bribes he's been taking in his reign as mayor, and doing absolutely nothing in his time there. Tom Doshi was also concerned with poverty in the country. Yet, he's a criminal who's gotten rich from stomping on those people's throats.

So politicians can diagnose all they want, and they can do it greatly. But the diagnosis is simple, it's what you do about it that matters. And Blushi, Basha, & co do absolutely nothing.
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Plako wrote: That was only the beginning. Now you have a whole new generation raised in this poisoned dog eat dog atmosphere and you expect things to be better. It will get much worse before it gets better.
You are right. The 90s there was arguably the darkest decade for Albanians in general. Women could walk the streets at night during communism and nothing would happen. After it fell, you'd hear stories of rape and god knows what else, just a few months/years later. Factories destroyed, depots looted, houses raided. It was like something out of a movie. It was much worse than communism. Complete chaos.

I think the main problem right now, and I don't want to sound like an asshole, is that a great part of the people who have been left in Albania are either incompetents or those who never had the chance to leave. The brain power of the country was completely drained. The people who should have been leading are else where.
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I think we have had different experiences... Save for 1997 and that chaos, Korca was just as safe in the 90s as it was during the communist times. Women could walk outside at night just as safely in 1994 as in 1972 (though I do find it funny that the "women walking freely" argument is always made when talking about the virtues of the communist dictatorship). To clarify, I am not discounting what may well have been true everywhere else in Albania and in Tirana.
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NYVirus wrote:I think we have had different experiences... Save for 1997 and that chaos, Korca was just as safe in the 90s as it was during the communist times. Women could walk outside at night just as safely in 1994 as in 1972 (though I do find it funny that the "women walking freely" argument is always made when talking about the virtues of the communist dictatorship). To clarify, I am not discounting what may well have been true everywhere else in Albania and in Tirana.
Korça had one tough guy, Lul Kapurani. In Tirana each neighborhood had several Lul Kapuranis :)

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Plako wrote:
NYVirus wrote:I think we have had different experiences... Save for 1997 and that chaos, Korca was just as safe in the 90s as it was during the communist times. Women could walk outside at night just as safely in 1994 as in 1972 (though I do find it funny that the "women walking freely" argument is always made when talking about the virtues of the communist dictatorship). To clarify, I am not discounting what may well have been true everywhere else in Albania and in Tirana.
Korça had one tough guy, Lul Kapurani. In Tirana each neighborhood had several Lul Kapuranis :)
LOL, probably true... Por kishim edhe Reqin e 5 Dyqaneve, edhe Ragamin e cobenjve.
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NYVirus wrote:
Plako wrote:
NYVirus wrote:I think we have had different experiences... Save for 1997 and that chaos, Korca was just as safe in the 90s as it was during the communist times. Women could walk outside at night just as safely in 1994 as in 1972 (though I do find it funny that the "women walking freely" argument is always made when talking about the virtues of the communist dictatorship). To clarify, I am not discounting what may well have been true everywhere else in Albania and in Tirana.
Korça had one tough guy, Lul Kapurani. In Tirana each neighborhood had several Lul Kapuranis :)
LOL, probably true... Por kishim edhe Reqin e 5 Dyqaneve, edhe Ragamin e cobenjve.

I guess Luli was well known because of his marriage to Eli Fara :)
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