Kosova National Team [General topic]

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

Moderators: Shpati, ZenMaster


Dallku wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:14 pm Kosovo has no defensive balance. They don't even play with a defensive midfielder or a 6. Both Rexhbecaj and Valon Berisha are not defenders.

Albania had Ramadani(pure defender) and Asllani in there and that still wasn't enough. Still needed Qazim Laci to come in for more defensive balance.

Both wingers barely track back defensively (Rashica tries more than Zhegrova though) and that's trouble when the fullbacks are not good defenders themselves.
This is what you get when you employee lazy coaches and have amateurs in your federation. Rexhbecaj is a box-to-box midfielder and Valon Berisha too, but the later is not at the level anymore, be it physically or mentally. Kosova played with a 442 formation and started the game with 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 4 attackers, roflmao. Brazili i Ballkanit :zgerdhimje:.

If players like Emërllahu and Zyba are not up to the level, FFK should put their pride(lol) aside and try to get players like Bastien Toma and other midfielders to play for Kosovo.

You might criticize coaches like GDB and Sylvinho as much as you like, but you can't deny that they put massive work in getting players suited to their style and were clear with their ideas, compare them to egomaniacs like Panucci and Edi Reja or lazy coaches like Giresse, the Slovenian cuck and thi Foda guy and you know why GDB and Sylvinho have been successful.
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Redijupison wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:09 am
Dallku wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:14 pm Kosovo has no defensive balance. They don't even play with a defensive midfielder or a 6. Both Rexhbecaj and Valon Berisha are not defenders.

Albania had Ramadani(pure defender) and Asllani in there and that still wasn't enough. Still needed Qazim Laci to come in for more defensive balance.

Both wingers barely track back defensively (Rashica tries more than Zhegrova though) and that's trouble when the fullbacks are not good defenders themselves.
This is what you get when you employee lazy coaches and have amateurs in your federation. Rexhbecaj is a box-to-box midfielder and Valon Berisha too, but the later is not at the level anymore, be it physically or mentally. Kosova played with a 442 formation and started the game with 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 4 attackers, roflmao. Brazili i Ballkanit :zgerdhimje:.

If players like Emërllahu and Zyba are not up to the level, FFK should put their pride(lol) aside and try to get players like Bastien Toma and other midfielders to play for Kosovo.

You might criticize coaches like GDB and Sylvinho as much as you like, but you can't deny that they put massive work in getting players suited to their style and were clear with their ideas, compare them to egomaniacs like Panucci and Edi Reja or lazy coaches like Giresse, the Slovenian cuck and thi Foda guy and you know why GDB and Sylvinho have been successful.
There is a group of players who joined Kosova during Bunjaki era, Valon Berisha, Fidan Aliti, Vedat Muriqi, Vojvoda, Rashica, Samir Ujkani (now director) and Bajram Shala, Muharrem Sahiti as staff who have clan on national team so it's them who are in command more than manager so nobody can really challenge them. Golden rule is Valon Berisha must play always because on his prime switched from Norway to Kosova, Aliti Rashica Muriqi Vojvoda Ujkani influence is even stronger because they left biggest "enemy" for Kosova. Rrahmani career progress was exceptional so he is only guy who deserved every minute that he played, Kosova in Muriqi and Rashica position always had depth and were periods when other players had better form and deserved to start over them or get minutes but never happened. That's why you have likes of Ismajli, Daku, Muja who left and Zhegrova & Berisha saga because they feel didn't had fair shot for national team.
Kuqaloshi maoist

ZenMaster wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 1:45 pm
Redijupison wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:09 am
Dallku wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:14 pm Kosovo has no defensive balance. They don't even play with a defensive midfielder or a 6. Both Rexhbecaj and Valon Berisha are not defenders.

Albania had Ramadani(pure defender) and Asllani in there and that still wasn't enough. Still needed Qazim Laci to come in for more defensive balance.

Both wingers barely track back defensively (Rashica tries more than Zhegrova though) and that's trouble when the fullbacks are not good defenders themselves.
This is what you get when you employee lazy coaches and have amateurs in your federation. Rexhbecaj is a box-to-box midfielder and Valon Berisha too, but the later is not at the level anymore, be it physically or mentally. Kosova played with a 442 formation and started the game with 4 defenders, 2 midfielders and 4 attackers, roflmao. Brazili i Ballkanit :zgerdhimje:.

If players like Emërllahu and Zyba are not up to the level, FFK should put their pride(lol) aside and try to get players like Bastien Toma and other midfielders to play for Kosovo.

You might criticize coaches like GDB and Sylvinho as much as you like, but you can't deny that they put massive work in getting players suited to their style and were clear with their ideas, compare them to egomaniacs like Panucci and Edi Reja or lazy coaches like Giresse, the Slovenian cuck and thi Foda guy and you know why GDB and Sylvinho have been successful.
There is a group of players who joined Kosova during Bunjaki era, Valon Berisha, Fidan Aliti, Vedat Muriqi, Vojvoda, Rashica, Samir Ujkani (now director) and Bajram Shala, Muharrem Sahiti as staff who have clan on national team so it's them who are in command more than manager so nobody can really challenge them. Golden rule is Valon Berisha must play always because on his prime switched from Norway to Kosova, Aliti Rashica Muriqi Vojvoda Ujkani influence is even stronger because they left biggest "enemy" for Kosova. Rrahmani career progress was exceptional so he is only guy who deserved every minute that he played, Kosova in Muriqi and Rashica position always had depth and were periods when other players had better form and deserved to start over them or get minutes but never happened. That's why you have likes of Ismajli, Daku, Muja who left and Zhegrova & Berisha saga because they feel didn't had fair shot for national team.
Tbh, I'd put everything on the federation's incompetence to pick a solid coach and being very arrogant towards the diaspora players. It's clear to see that from the time Kryeziu, Shala, Rashkaj, Halimi, Celina, Voca and Valon Berisha fell off, Kosova has been in dire need of solid midfielders. I don't think you can bench Muriqi, Rashica and Vojvoda. Muja and Daku are nothing special. Zhegrova on the other hand is playing at a very high level for his club and should have the freedom to do the same for Kosova, but like I said starting with four attackers against a good team like Romania is crazy.
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You can't bench Muriqi, Rashica and Vojvoda because there is clan and if you will do that, as manager you will be gone after two games, senior players will sabotage you. Kosova needs manager as Sylvinho, who has vision how he wants to play and balls to make unpopular decisions,even if it means to bench Muriqi, Rashica, Zhegrova otherwise Kosova don't need to spend money, we can hire Qeqa Krelani and she will play players according to Transfermarkt value.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Aurora Bulkualis
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I'd say the Kosovar team is suffering from the same problem as Albania atm, just a worse case of it. Team is underperforming given players. Honestly, I'd say apart from De Biasi's first two campaigns, we've always underperformed. Those two DB campaigns were the only ones where I would say we might have even OVERperformed. (I'd also add 2 home games in there vs. Poland/Czechs with Sylvinho)

But right now I feel like Albania has played 60%-70% of its full potential, and Kosova's team only 40%.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku

ZenMaster wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:49 pm You can't bench Muriqi, Rashica and Vojvoda because there is clan and if you will do that, as manager you will be gone after two games, senior players will sabotage you. Kosova needs manager as Sylvinho, who has vision how he wants to play and balls to make unpopular decisions,even if it means to bench Muriqi, Rashica, Zhegrova otherwise Kosova don't need to spend money, we can hire Qeqa Krelani and she will play players according to Transfermarkt value.
Ppl should stop overhyping players like Ermal Krasniqi and Albion Rrahmani, I don't think they're ready to start for the NT. Looking at the Kosova NT players, no competent coach will bench Muriqi, Rashica or Vojvoda. The team has no balance without a solid midfield. You employee lazy or over the hill coaches and this is what you get, simple as that.
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Simboli i Diellit
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“Arjanet Muric, Edon Zhegrova dhe Florent Muslija janë larguar nga grumbullimi i ekipit kombëtar, për shkak të thyerjes së rregullores së ekipit kombëtar të vendosur nga përzgjedhësi dhe Federata”.
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Simboli i Diellit wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:46 pm “Arjanet Muric, Edon Zhegrova dhe Florent Muslija janë larguar nga grumbullimi i ekipit kombëtar, për shkak të thyerjes së rregullores së ekipit kombëtar të vendosur nga përzgjedhësi dhe Federata”.
This is witch hunt! Everyone knows that Aro Muric and Muslija are womanizers and Zhegrova is spoiled brat, Muric had incident with Challandes because he was drunk on training session, multiple times was reported that tried to sneak women on his room so this kind of punishment looks more than "lynching" than man management. Timing is terrible, they are punishing Zhegrova, Muric and Muslija to protect other players who were shit.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Simboli i Diellit
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ZenMaster wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:36 pm
Simboli i Diellit wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:46 pm “Arjanet Muric, Edon Zhegrova dhe Florent Muslija janë larguar nga grumbullimi i ekipit kombëtar, për shkak të thyerjes së rregullores së ekipit kombëtar të vendosur nga përzgjedhësi dhe Federata”.
This is witch hunt! Everyone knows that Aro Muric and Muslija are womanizers and Zhegrova is spoiled brat, Muric had incident with Challandes because he was drunk on training session, multiple times was reported that tried to sneak women on his room so this kind of punishment looks more than "lynching" than man management. Timing is terrible, they are punishing Zhegrova, Muric and Muslija to protect other players who were shit.
The team lost and they hang around in pubs, this might not be the best man management but at least for the moment removes attention from the loss imediately.
Time for Bekaj to fill the shoes, Muric is like Strakosha, quite inconsistent, should've done more at the Romania's first goal. Zhegrova has one chance the whole game against Romania.

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Adrian Mutu on Zhegrova:

“Nuk më duket kushedi çka Zhegrova. Pos që i bën ato gjëra… Bancu e shkatërroi. Ai nuk lëvizi. Ai e lejoi të bënte ato gjëra, që nuk do të thonë asgjë në futboll. Kishte një pasqyrë pranë tij, sa bukur e godas topin me thembër”

“Man ishte konkret dhe tregoi se çka duhet të bëj lojtari i krahut. Për momentin Dennis Man është një shkallë mbi Zhegrovën”
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