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Redijupison wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:39 am There aren't good managers in Kosova.
Yeah that's why Albania had 5 players on Euro's from Kosova league and only one from their own league because there aren't good managers in Kosova. This is impression created more from ignorance in relation with kosovar football than anything else. Dalic is exception but most of managers from region or abroad were mediocre and almost all of them failed miserably in Albania. From older generation you had Luan Prekazi, Tortoshi, Shosholli, Celina who were penalised from isolation but were definitely good enough to work in Albania, while from younger generation Toverlani, Bylbyl Sokoli, Ramiz Krasniqi, Arbnor Morina,Genc Hoxha, Muharrem Sahiti, Rafet Prekazi, Ismet Munishi are definitely better than 90% of foreigners who worked in Albania but somehow none of them ever got the chance to train on Albania. How you know they are not good if they never got the chance?
Kuqaloshi maoist
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Most Albanian managers are fucking dogshit. It has nothing to do with "inferiority complex". There are some good ones but far and few in between.
"Cheap things you can buy in bulk, but Bulku is priceless" Ervin Xhevahir Bulku

ZenMaster wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 1:01 pm
Redijupison wrote: Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:39 am There aren't good managers in Kosova.
Yeah that's why Albania had 5 players on Euro's from Kosova league and only one from their own league because there aren't good managers in Kosova. This is impression created more from ignorance in relation with kosovar football than anything else. Dalic is exception but most of managers from region or abroad were mediocre and almost all of them failed miserably in Albania. From older generation you had Luan Prekazi, Tortoshi, Shosholli, Celina who were penalised from isolation but were definitely good enough to work in Albania, while from younger generation Toverlani, Bylbyl Sokoli, Ramiz Krasniqi, Arbnor Morina,Genc Hoxha, Muharrem Sahiti, Rafet Prekazi, Ismet Munishi are definitely better than 90% of foreigners who worked in Albania but somehow none of them ever got the chance to train on Albania. How you know they are not good if they never got the chance?
These Albanian club owners that employee coaches from the ex-yugo countries have no vision, don't give a f*** how it turns out because they see the clubs like hobbies, that's why the Albanian local football is at a dire state. Regardless of that, the managers you brought up are nothing special haven't worked outside Kosovë or done anything special in Europe and wouldn't make a difference in Albania.
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Ilir Daja out at Ballkani and is now the new coach at Dinamo City. The dinamo city project might be the closest thing Albania will get in having a functional team and lets pray it works. I'm skeptical but hopeful.
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artan wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 2:12 am Ilir Daja out at Ballkani and is now the new coach at Dinamo City. The dinamo city project might be the closest thing Albania will get in having a functional team and lets pray it works. I'm skeptical but hopeful.
WTF dude? You really love to be lied, since Bardhi took over Dinamo he was lying whole the time, reminds me Albert Xhani. I would be surprised if they are able to be on TOP4.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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FSHF has decided to. increase limit of. foreigners from 5 to 7 from January 2025, starting from new season there will be no foreigners limit. This is literally final nail on the coffin for football in Albania.
Kuqaloshi maoist

This is how you kill local football.
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Checked the standings and saw Dinamo City is in first place. Was this was the team that was rebranded & connected with Tare and the Man City group? Weren't they supposed to be playing in Durres?

Is this going to be another half assed rebrand where they'll just end up playing in Elbasan arena?
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artan wrote: Sun Dec 15, 2024 5:40 pm Checked the standings and saw Dinamo City is in first place. Was this was the team that was rebranded & connected with Tare and the Man City group? Weren't they supposed to be playing in Durres?

Is this going to be another half assed rebrand where they'll just end up playing in Elbasan arena?
Igli Tare jau ka mundesu me marr Di Biagion, Igli e ka mohu vet qe ka pas post keshilltari te Dinamo najhere. Man City group ska pas kurre interes per Dinamon, krejt ky operacion mediatik ka ndodh ne kurriz te nje premtimi elektoral te Edi Rames se do te hap nje akademi 'prestigjioze' ne Durres. Ministria e Sportit i ka nda 200 milione leke te vjetra (200 mije euro) edhe ni parcele per me ndertu ni kompleks futbollistik ne Durres,investimin e kryn ministria e Sportit edhe do menaxhohet nja nje 'organizate jofitimprurese' e krijume prej ministrise. Ne Shqiperi ka ardh nje spanjolle prej City group, e kan bo ni PR stunt bashke me Ministrine e Sportit po ska kerkun asni shkronje qe kan pas interes per blerje naj klubi shqiptar apo partneritet me naj klub shqiptar. Pse Bardhi e ka zhvendos klubin ne Durres edhe ka rrejt neper media e din ai ma mire, me shume mundesi e ka synim me marr ne menaxhim kompleksin Durrah City apo ndoshta ka ka premtu dikush qe e merr menaxhim masi ndertohet.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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