Kosova National Team [General topic]

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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Albanian Damien
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I have no problem with Kosova having it's own national team Migjeni is spot on that Kosova need to find it's own feet before unite.

But we have to acknowledge Albo-Eagle does bring up great points. The Serbs are desperate to try and create a separate Kosovar identity. I know that we like to preach tolerance and freedom and that these are excellent qualities. But for me, I can NEVER tolerate people who hate us so much. Yeah Thaci and certain members of UCK are criminals but you think the Serbs will treat you any better? Never in a million years..

I just hope that Kosova stays as an Albania B team until we unite because to me any Kosovar choosing to play for them over Albania is not a true patriot.. But I think the true long term plan is that the Kosova national team may be bought out into unification or that we create a Albania-Kosova national team ala Serbia-Montenegero.

So at the end of the day it's not that we're against Kosova having a national team(in fact if they do qualify for tournaments over us I'll root for them even if their flag is hideous :flag: ). It's that we've already had our heart broken so many times in history that if we lose Kosova I honestly don't know what we would do as a nation other than maybe divided up even further :lamtumire:
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Albanian Damien wrote:
I just hope that Kosova stays as an Albania B team until we unite because to me any Kosovar choosing to play for them over Albania is not a true patriot.
This is 100 per cent correct. If the reason Kosova's team is being is unification then do not take our best player but the ones who would not make the Albania team. Shqiptar gjithmone lun per Shqiperine.

You also said the shkij would love a seperate 'Kosovar' identity which is spot on. When Kosova has a separate identity to Albania it is much weaker and isolated, and it is so much easier for serbia to step back in and slowly slowly begin to run it again.

Join the leagues, join the National Team, play national games in Prishtine, do everything together just don't separate us as Cameria is gone, Ilirida, Malesia and worst of all Lugina is in the hands of the shkij and they won't even let the Albanians there have books to read and learn. Prishtina and Tirana is all we have left, get the corrupt governments out and unify, don't isolate yourselves from one another.
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I also want Kosovo to get accepted into UEFA. Out of curiosity more than anything and to stop these kind of discussions once and for all. What I can't stand is their media/leaders feeding the people so much bullshit propaganda. For example the real news is that in May UEFA members will get to VOTE whether Kosovo gets accepted or not and yet Kosovar media and FFK make it seem like it's a done deal, Kosovo is officially accepted. They have been doing that for years.. so annoying.
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Dallku wrote:I also want Kosovo to get accepted into UEFA. Out of curiosity more than anything and to stop these kind of discussions once and for all. What I can't stand is their media/leaders feeding the people so much bullshit propaganda. For example the real news is that in May UEFA members will get to VOTE whether Kosovo gets accepted or not and yet Kosovar media and FFK make it seem like it's a done deal, Kosovo is officially accepted. They have been doing that for years.. so annoying.
http://www.telegrafi.com/e-jashtezakons ... kete-date/

Like this you mean? Beyond me how the media works there.
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Albo_eagle wrote:
http://www.telegrafi.com/e-jashtezakons ... kete-date/

Like this you mean? Beyond me how the media works there.

Yeah. That shit blows my mind..
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Everyone should hope for Kosovo to get accepted in to UEFA, it'll do wonders for the sport there and we might even see people invest money into it.

Dallku is right though with Kosovo nothing is to be taken for granted. A good example being the UNESCO voting.
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Telegrafi isn't a proper media. Their kids write half of the news and the rest gets copied from other websites. Btw there was a video i already posted of Salihu who said there shouldn't be these kind of posts over the media otherwise if it happens like in the Unesco vote then Serbs would celebrate it as a victory.
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Aurora Bulkualis
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I don't mind there being a Kosovar team in UEFA or FIFA. Their teams need to compete for EL and CL.

It's just that we're too weak to have 2 separate NTs. Even with our two teams combined, let's face it, most players are bottom feeders. We're lucky to have found a system that works, but we're punching way above our weight as it is.
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Albo_eagle wrote:Kosova belongs to Albania and is part of what makes Albania, that is the same thing. Like London is part of England and what makes England. Nuk ka Shqiperi pa Kosove. The land has been lost, the land still being inhabited by Albanians is great as it can lead to referundums and support and so on the unify our lands but as long as it is not part of Albania and belongs to other people than it is lost land.

Kosova gaining entry to FIFA and UEFA and all these other federations is not a step towards unification, this is the main thing i disagree with you on. It is a step towards a independent and separate Kosova. The people in the Kosova FA do not want unification, they want their own team will all the players from Kosove representing it and not other countries like Switzerland, Norway and ALBANIA. I don't see how you think that by creating a separate Kosova NT and players from Kosove no longer representing Albania is a step towards unification. The NT was the last unified thing we had left and separating it is what hurts me.

As for political elite we are on the same page. Corrupt and power driven that is why they do not care about unification. Rrofte Albin Kurti. VV will change things and i hope so much that they get into power. In Albania you are also correct there is a lack of a political movement which attracts major support. Aleanca Kuq E Zi seem to have a lot of support only abroad and Kreshnik Spahiu is not an idiot, he wants unity, and he has said the reason they lack major support in Albania is because Edi Rama's government control the media and they blacklist Aleanca Kuq E Zi, so never report what they do, or one of their protests. The media has a big say in what happens in countries, especially in ones where there is not a high percentage of intellectuals.

You understood me wrong. I said the 'research is said to be bogus', and meant that from what i read in the english media the research 'was said' to of had many faults. I wish Kosova and Albania both had 100 per cent for bashkim so i don't know what propaganda you are talking about.

Is being against shkij racist now? Albanians should have nothing against those who have nothing against us, but for life we shouldn't associate with the shkij. For a moment forget how many Albanians they have murdered and raped, though you seem to have already, and acknowledge the fact that they haven't even apologised for it. They still think they were right to do what they did, even today. Like i said they chant ' a good Albanian is a dead Albanian'. It is embarrassing to have someone who stands up for them from our own country, especially today on the day when they starting attacking Prekaz.

Of course i agree about Thaci, he is a snake and it is a shame that once we get the shkij out we get him. You think the same thing would be going on today if we had Adem Jashari? Of course not because he like the other thousands that died cared about our country and saving Albanians from those barbarians, for people like Thaci it was about getting into power. The entire history is not a lie, UCK had people like Adem Jashari, Agim Ramadani and Zahir Pajaziti plus many more who shed blood for this country. People like Thaci will never tarnish the UCK name.

Thanks for the video, I will watch it.
The land is not lost, when Albanians live there and have declared it to be independent. Belongs to other people? Which people? The people living there? Wtf is that supposed to mean?

The NT is not a unified thing. It's just a lack of possibility which makes you say that we're unified there. We need two functioning FAs before we can unify. I don't want to unify them before they're functioning as it's going to become even worse than it is now. Just imagine how much it could improve the sport in Kosova if it was accepted as a full member of these organizations. Right now there's no investments but there would be if it was to become a member. Let's use that to our advantage.

As for Kreshnik Spahiu he doesn't have any political program besides calling for unification, so I'll still call him an idiot. Also, he's nothing new - still a kiss ass towards the Americans, so even if he gets support by a broader segment of the population he'll change his views to become what the ambassadors in Albania tell him to.

Can you give me some places where it says that the research is said to be bogus? - I really want to read it. But besides these laughable claims that it's bogus, you really don't like maintaining focus on where the biggest problem is, right? - It should be the place where 'only' 60% support unification rather than on where over 80% want unification.

And yes, wanting to exclude people based on their nationality is racism. It's really simple. A random Serb who does not support the slaying of Albanians, who accepts Kosova as independent etc. has and should have all the same right as any other citizen there. Everything else would be bs.

Adem Jashari and those others who died in uniform were a very small percentage. Majority of all those who died were civilians. UCK failed on all criteria. We've been spoon fed this myth about our holy war. Seems it was bs and only a fraction were fighting because of an ideal - and those who fought for an ideal were either killed or wounded, while those who've risen in the aftermath of the war are bitches who've never fought a day in their lives (95% of them at least).
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Migjeni wrote:The land is not lost, when Albanians live there and have declared it to be independent. Belongs to other people? Which people? The people living there? Wtf is that supposed to mean?

The NT is not a unified thing. It's just a lack of possibility which makes you say that we're unified there. We need two functioning FAs before we can unify. I don't want to unify them before they're functioning as it's going to become even worse than it is now. Just imagine how much it could improve the sport in Kosova if it was accepted as a full member of these organizations. Right now there's no investments but there would be if it was to become a member. Let's use that to our advantage.

As for Kreshnik Spahiu he doesn't have any political program besides calling for unification, so I'll still call him an idiot. Also, he's nothing new - still a kiss ass towards the Americans, so even if he gets support by a broader segment of the population he'll change his views to become what the ambassadors in Albania tell him to.

Can you give me some places where it says that the research is said to be bogus? - I really want to read it. But besides these laughable claims that it's bogus, you really don't like maintaining focus on where the biggest problem is, right? - It should be the place where 'only' 60% support unification rather than on where over 80% want unification.

And yes, wanting to exclude people based on their nationality is racism. It's really simple. A random Serb who does not support the slaying of Albanians, who accepts Kosova as independent etc. has and should have all the same right as any other citizen there. Everything else would be bs.

Adem Jashari and those others who died in uniform were a very small percentage. Majority of all those who died were civilians. UCK failed on all criteria. We've been spoon fed this myth about our holy war. Seems it was bs and only a fraction were fighting because of an ideal - and those who fought for an ideal were either killed or wounded, while those who've risen in the aftermath of the war are bitches who've never fought a day in their lives (95% of them at least).
The land is controlled by the UN, US and EU. The role Albanians play is minimal.

I think forming seperate FA's and National Teams is seperating themselves but we can't keep arguing for the sake of it.

I will attempt to find the article which said the study is not really valid and post it for you. As for me being upset that the 'wrong one has 80 per cent', no i am not upset, i am from Pristina so it would make me very happy that a lot of people support unification. I merely stated what i read on a western media site, but i did not say they were correct, i just wrote what they stated.

As for excluding shkij and so on i can't even argue with you on that. The things they did to our families, our people, they will never be forgiven by me, let alone cheered on as part of the same football team. Any Shqiptar which knows there history and what they did, would never play alongside a shka in the same national team. I'm sure if it was someone in your family that was raped and murdered you wouldn't be saying these things, it's very hurtful to those people for a Shqiptar to stand up for the shka who showed no moral feelings when the did some of the worst imaginable things to us. You gave me a video to watch so i will give you one aswell, please don't skip a single minute.


Be careful what you say about the UÇK, as yes there was some corrupt people like Thaçi claiming to be part of UÇK, but these people do not represent the UÇK, they just smear it's name. The real UÇK were the ones on the front line, that didn't pay attention to getting into politics like Thaçi but were just concerned about fighting to save our people. Adem Jashari, Agim Ramadani, Zahir Pajaziti and so many more others are the definiton of UÇK. Thaçi and the others will never represent these heroes.
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