Albania a White Nation

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Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London is the great-grandson of Ali Kemal Bey, a Turkish Interior Minister. He looks like an albino.

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Albanian Damien
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Plako wrote:Boris Johnson, the former mayor of London is the great-grandson of Ali Kemal Bey, a Turkish Interior Minister. He looks like an albino.

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Yeah well that means he's exactly as much Turkish as I am(which is to say not at all) and most Westerners are surprised when I tell I'm Albanian because of how aryan I look haha so I could definitely see that.
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Albanian Damien wrote:
Rodon wrote:Damien, intelligence is NOT a product of culture. Exactly like 100m runners are all blacks because they have a racial advantage, being their muscle shape more suited to sprint.
Exactly like they are very bad swimmers.
Intelligence is just another difference, though the most important one.

As I said, good academic grades don't have any correlation with society bias or prejudices.
Simply, good genes always emerge in one way or another, similarly bad genes will always score low.

That's why whites always did good, and that's why africans are always the lower strata of society, wherever they went, south america, usa, haiti, africa etcetc.

P.S. Try to imagine those gangster "Albanian". Done? In what you imagined, there isn't probably any normal Albanian, but just Shqipfolese like buze-vici noizy or mulatto rita ora.
Oh vlla it's definitely not some make believe muscle fiber. That theory is as outdated as saying Albanians came from the Caucasus mountains :D

Whites excelled because they've had superior culture. Either way it sounds racists by today's standards. Whites were either genetically superior or culturally superior. But one of them has to be true and I tend to agree with anthropological claims that it's based on culture.

For example, why are the Scandinavians no longer Viking like? Dutch men are the tallest in the world so that element seems to have remained. However, they no longer live in a culture that requires you to make a boat with your bare hands and sail it across icy seas in order to survive. So the genetic traits that excelled back then are no longer seen as desirable and have "died out" in a way.
Who gave whites those superior cultures? Those superior cultures didn't fall from the sky, but where the products of human intellect. Superior cultures are the natural consequences of superior human intelligence.

Lol why do you think blacks always win in 100m? Because there's a conspiracy that prevents whites to win this competition (remember, white sprinters may be much more numerous compared to blacks, but they are always crashed in this competition)?
Albanian Damien wrote:Add on to my last post: Rodon do you mean to say that if you take a baby gabel and raised it in the house of Bill Gates it would still grow up to be some retarded beggar?
The gypsy would certainly be more educated, but no amount of money will magically increase his brain capabilities, feature fixed from birth and inherited from parents.
MadMan wrote:Rodon, ti qenke burr zoti, ty edhe Hitleri do te kishte zili.
Sepse po flas e verteten?
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artan wrote:
nikobellic wrote:Those albanians with elephant ears square head has nothing to do with the old illyrian people thats some ugly mixture with turkish for sure. We were pure race long time ago, now wer not after that 500 yrs of the ottoman invasion. Most albanians in general have a big mixure with turks weather theyre from albania, kosova, macedonia... I read somewer a while ago that the purity of albanian/european caucasion was at 52% based on the DNA. Albania has more muslims then christians, that alone tells you were mixed. The way people in europe see us if you are an albanian christian then you're caucasion/european if youre a albanian muslim then youre not pure european. Based on europe theres no white muslims and thats 1 reason why europe has always wanted to burn us as a country.
You realize "Turks" are a mixture of a shit ton of other ethnic groups? It will be like saying somone has alot of american blood in them.

BTW, Albanians didn't mix with Turks. Alot of Albanians did leave for Turkey during the Ottoman empire for one reason or another(Servants, mercenaries, slaves) and left their mark significantly. I wouldn't be surprised if a quarter of turks have Albanian ancestry. Not the same vice versa and quite the opposite.

Albanians converted to Islam and obliged by the devsirme system which left us untouched. We also lived in clan communities, lived in rural mountainous areas that weren't easily accessible, had a culture of respect, not to dishonor family, etc. Albanians are probably the least mixed people in the balkans. Read some excerpts that one of the most renowned anthropologists (Coon) made..

BTW, I find it funny how people in this thread are saying Albanians are "diverse" in their appearances. Our ancestors all came from the Northern Albania mountains and slowly started to settle elsewhere, we all come from the Shkumbin lol.

Sorry bro, this post is completely delusional.

Albanians not only are not very homogeneous, but actually one of the European people with the greatest variety of looks (read, with the greatest genetic differences).

You have people like Naser Aliji and then Edgar Cani. Do you really think that these two guys could be the products of the same nation?
One of the two is obviously completely out of place.
P.S. I took aliji to make a very understandable and extreme example, I could have said Sadiku or Rashica instead of Aliji, and the reasoning would have standed still correctly.
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Rodon wrote: Sepse po flas e verteten?
Ti je nje racist. Ti nuk mund te merresh pergjegjesin per deshtimet e tua dhe luan rolin e viktimes duke i fajesuar "minoritetet".

Ne jete reale, nje person si ti do te merrte nje shkelem bothe.

Shqiptaret kan shume probleme/komplekse/paragjykime. Por persona si ti kam menduar qe ekzistojne vetem ne perendim ku me te vertet "minoritetet" tallin bythen. Por nje shqiptar qe ankohet per "minoritetet shqipfolese" eshte cudi, qesharake, e pakuptimet etj.

ps. Na trego pak foton tende, te shohim sa Shqiptar i pastert na qenke ti, gjithashtu si nje shqiptar i bardh me pamje "panevropiane" na trego per arritjet e tua.
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MadMan wrote:
Rodon wrote: Sepse po flas e verteten?
Ti je nje racist. Ti nuk mund te merresh pergjegjesin per deshtimet e tua dhe luan rolin e viktimes duke i fajesuar "minoritetet".

Ne jete reale, nje person si ti do te merrte nje shkelem bothe.

Shqiptaret kan shume probleme/komplekse/paragjykime. Por persona si ti kam menduar qe ekzistojne vetem ne perendim ku me te vertet "minoritetet" tallin bythen. Por nje shqiptar qe ankohet per "minoritetet shqipfolese" eshte cudi, qesharake, e pakuptimet etj.

ps. Na trego pak foton tende, te shohim sa Shqiptar i pastert na qenke ti, gjithashtu si nje shqiptar i bardh me pamje "panevropiane" na trego per arritjet e tua.
S'po llogjikon, parni komentoke ne menyre shume emocionale. Rracizmi nuk ka asnje konotacion negativ. Negativiteti rracore eshte sajim mediatike.
Ta besosh apo jo, dallimet rracore jane nje realitet shkencore, dhe inteligjenca eshte nje nga tiparet me dalluese nder rracat.
Shqiperia dhe Shqiptaret mbajn nje barr kolosale, kur duhet te mbeshtesin nje pakic parasitesh e te paafte ne palce dhe me natyre kriminogjen. Kur ke 1/3 popullates joShqiptare, popullate votues, qe s'ka lidhje fare me Shqiptarine, rezultati s'mund te jete asgje tjeter pervec nje shtet ne rrenoja.


P.S. pamja ime s'duhet te te shqetesoj aspak. Mund te dish vetem qe ne itali veriore dhe ne austri askush me ka morr per nje te huaj deri sot, bile me flasin ne dialektet e tyre meqenese mendojn jam nje vendas.
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Ti vetem paske kriju kete bindje qe problemi tek shqiptaret qenka minoriteti apo joShqiptaret. Prandaj eshte a kote te merrem me ty.

Kurse sa per keto ilustrimet grafike, nuk di a te qesh apo te qaj?

Gjithashtu gjera e fundit qe do te them. Une nuk e mohoj faktin qe kemi dhe kemi pasur minoritar, por keta dallohen ne gjuhen e tyre pike se pari. Ai person qe flet shqip, kontribon ne nje far menyre ne zhvillimin e kombit shqiptar, dhe i thote vetes Shqiptar, atehere nuk me intereson fare pamja e tij fizike.

Nese ti, apo ai tjetri keni deshire te preokupoheni nga dukja e nje Shqiptari, atehere vazhdoni.
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Rraca e njerezeve eshte lidhur me intelektin e tyre. FAKT. Me here do ta pranosh, me mire do te jete per ty.

Nga ana tjeter ne qofte se je nje nder ate minoritaret si Rashica apo Sadiku, atehere s'me intereson minimalisht nese me kupton apo jo.
Opinionet e shqipfoleseve nuk jane shqetesimet e mi.
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Llogjika. Jam njeri qe i pelqen me vrojtu dukurite, gjejnat, sjellja e njerezeve.
Me pelqen gjithashtu me lexu (ne fakt lexoj shume).

Kur kam te gjitha te dhenat te cilin nevojitem, morr konkluzionet e mi.
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