Albanians abroad

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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MercedesBenz240 wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 9:08 pm
ZenMaster wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:30 pm Popull ma anti-shqiptar, njerez ma paragjykues ndaj nesh ne kete planetin tone se polakt nuk ka. Legia eshte super klub por tifozeria e tyre eshte edhe ma toksike se tifozeria e Tiranes. Dikujt mund ti tingelloj cmenduri por edhe Crvena Zvezda do ishte destinacion me i mire se Legia. Per Muçin ishte shume interesuar edhe Rapidi, Ferencvaros dmth potencialisht cdo oferte qe ka ardh ka qene destinacion me i mire per zhvillimin e lojtarit por Rit Qoftja e futi ne zjarr per me marr nja dy leke ma shume. I bleft ilaçe te gjitha!
Shum urrejtje paske o shok, avash pak. Nje komb nuk e perfaqsojne komentet neper rrjete sociale apo 500 huligane injorante qe nuk jane asgje me shume se copa mishi. Legia eshte nga ekipet me te urryera edhe vete ne Poloni. E vertete qe pjesa radikale e tifozeve te Legies jane raciste te cmendur, por ata as shumicen nuk perbejne. Tifozit mesatar nuk i rruhet as per Kosove as per Shqiperi.

Per sa i perket transferimit te Mucit besoj se ka bere zgjedhjen e duhur ne kampionat. Po flasim per nje 19 vjecar qe ka be 2 sezone gjithsej ne kampionatin shqiptar. Nuk e ka arrit nivelin ai per Zvicer Austri Belgjike. Niveli i kampionatit polak eshte perfekt per te bere tranzicionin nga Shqiperia drejt kampionateve me te forta Europiane, pa u djeg kot me kot duke shkuar direkt ne kampionat te forte. C eshte e verteta Legia eshte nje ekip goxha i keqmenaxhuar vitet e fundit, por nese Muci do e arrije potencialin e tij te plote do kete sukses me siguri.
Sipas studimeve dhe matjeve qe bojn organizatat nderkombetare joqeveritare polaket jane gjithmone ne "podium" ne Europe per anti-semitizem, racizem, homofobi,mizogjini, ekstremizem fetar. Nese ju e keni shkel Polonine ne kembe dhe keni pyet secilin polak mbi shqiptaret atehere une terhiqem dhe kerkoj te falur.
Kuqaloshi maoist
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ZenMaster wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:15 pm Sipas studimeve dhe matjeve qe bojn organizatat nderkombetare joqeveritare polaket jane gjithmone ne "podium" ne Europe per anti-semitizem, racizem, homofobi,mizogjini, ekstremizem fetar. Nese ju e keni shkel Polonine ne kembe dhe keni pyet secilin polak mbi shqiptaret atehere une terhiqem dhe kerkoj te falur.

What does this globalist propaganda have to do with the Polish league’s capacity to develop young players?

Sadiku and friends were welcomed into Poland and given a fair chance to succeed. They could not cut it due to their own incompetence, simple as that.

If Muci is who they say he is, he should have no problem showcasing his talent at Legia. If he is not, he will be exposed.
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I forgot that Hasi was also part of Legia and that ended ugly too and quickly.

One thing for sure that nobody is going to wait for Muci to develop there. If he doesn't perform immediately they'll be quick to pull the plug. They are probably more patient with their own talents but Muci is going to have to perform and 21 years old is not even that young anyway.

I remember Sebino Plaku had to go to court because his Polish club treated him horribly.

If Muci manages to succeed there I'll be shocked.
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21 ? He hasnt even turned 20 yet lmao
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ZenMaster wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:15 pm Sipas studimeve dhe matjeve qe bojn organizatat nderkombetare joqeveritare polaket jane gjithmone ne "podium" ne Europe per anti-semitizem, racizem, homofobi,mizogjini, ekstremizem fetar.
Jo vetem Polonia ndodhet ne podium por dhe nje pjese e mire e Ballkanit, bashke me ne tek pjesa e homofobise, racizmit dhe ekstremizmit fetar. Gjithsesi po zgjatemi kot tek kjo pjese, nuk ka asnje arsye qe Muci do t paragjykohet nga kombesia jam i sigurt. Me t vertete mendoni se moren mundimin te blejne nje lojtar nga Shqipria per ta trajtuar keq?
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Princ wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:46 pm
ZenMaster wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:15 pm Sipas studimeve dhe matjeve qe bojn organizatat nderkombetare joqeveritare polaket jane gjithmone ne "podium" ne Europe per anti-semitizem, racizem, homofobi,mizogjini, ekstremizem fetar. Nese ju e keni shkel Polonine ne kembe dhe keni pyet secilin polak mbi shqiptaret atehere une terhiqem dhe kerkoj te falur.

What does this globalist propaganda have to do with the Polish league’s capacity to develop young players?

Sadiku and friends were welcomed into Poland and given a fair chance to succeed. They could not cut it due to their own incompetence, simple as that.

If Muci is who they say he is, he should have no problem showcasing his talent at Legia. If he is not, he will be exposed.
Me fal pash zotin! Te premtoj se tash e tutje nuk do perseris gabimin me i besu propagandes globaliste. Prej sot e tutje informacionet do ti marr vetem nga Steve Bannon, Roger Stone dhe Alex Jones te shqiperuara nga Afred Cako,Kastriot Myftari dhe avokati Altin Goxhaj.

Ne ditet vazhdim besoj avokati do te deshmoj me prova te pakontestueshme lidhjet e kahmotshme te Sebino Plakut me George Sorosin. ... a-19197224
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Nese mendon se ajo ka ndodhur vetem sepse Plaku eshte shqiptar, atehere skam ca t them. Viktimizim pa lidhje
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Dallku wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:59 pm I forgot that Hasi was also part of Legia and that ended ugly too and quickly.

One thing for sure that nobody is going to wait for Muci to develop there. If he doesn't perform immediately they'll be quick to pull the plug. They are probably more patient with their own talents but Muci is going to have to perform and 21 years old is not even that young anyway.

I remember Sebino Plaku had to go to court because his Polish club treated him horribly.

If Muci manages to succeed there I'll be shocked.
Muci is 19 years old. Plaku played for some village club so there's a big difference. In general, all of the leagues outside the big European/Western leagues can be very amateurish outside the top few teams in each league. The fact he transferred to the best and most prestigious move in Poland makes the move okay since he'll have a decent chance at European football and the ability to trampoline quickly. I would have wanted him to go to Rapid Vienna, Dinamo Zagreb (they showed some interest) or a team in Netherlands. But I guess the interest wasn't that high or that Halili got greedy and wanted that extra 10% sell on fee. Legia is probably a better move than a team in Hungary or even Switzerland.

The Polish league quality isn't that good so I don't see why he can't succeed. I hope he's out of there soon though.
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Looks like he turns 20 in a few weeks but the point still stands. It will be hard for him in a hostile environment like that. Sadiku is literally a meme over there even though he was battling injuries during the time he was with them. Their fans might be toxic and very pro-slavdom/Serb but their media is even worse.

I'm gonna say this though... If Muci can thrive in Poland he can thrive anywhere. If he has success in Legia he can easily play in a top league.
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MercedesBenz240 wrote: Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:12 am
ZenMaster wrote: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:15 pm Sipas studimeve dhe matjeve qe bojn organizatat nderkombetare joqeveritare polaket jane gjithmone ne "podium" ne Europe per anti-semitizem, racizem, homofobi,mizogjini, ekstremizem fetar.
Jo vetem Polonia ndodhet ne podium por dhe nje pjese e mire e Ballkanit, bashke me ne tek pjesa e homofobise, racizmit dhe ekstremizmit fetar. Gjithsesi po zgjatemi kot tek kjo pjese, nuk ka asnje arsye qe Muci do t paragjykohet nga kombesia jam i sigurt. Me t vertete mendoni se moren mundimin te blejne nje lojtar nga Shqipria per ta trajtuar keq?
Pajtohem plotesisht qe edhe Ballkani eshte shume keq . Mjafton me analizu trajtimin qe Tirana i boni Egbos per me na ardh marre. Polaket nuk jane te vetmit ne Europe qe kane paragjykime ndaj nesh por pothuajse te gjithe edhe ne kemi fajet tona per kete imazh. Ka pas edhe histori suksesi, Bekim Balaj nga shqiptaret ka qene me i suksesshmi ne ligen polake kur ishte i huazuar te Jagellonia dhe ai ndoshta ka qene sezoni me i mire ne aspektin personal per te por pse nuk vazhduar bashkepunimin nuk e di. Vullnet Basha eshte nje rast tjeter i eksperiences pozitive tek Wisla Krakow por Muçi po shkon tek Legia ku Hasi dhe Sadiku nuk kan arrit me bo piken e hajrit dhe jane abuzuar jo vetem nga tifozat por edhe nga mediat ne vazhdimesi.

Ne nje shtet ku duhet me bo qindra kilometra per me gjet omelsina prej Tetove edhe buke prej Hasi atehere dijeni qe ai osht shtet armiqesor ndaj shyptareve 🤣🤣🤣
Kuqaloshi maoist
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