Albania v Liechtenstein 2/9/2017

With memories of the golden years (80's) of the albanian football still fresh on her mind, Albania is now attempting to recreate its strong football legacy. As young players start making their names abroad, the future is looking bright for Albanian football!

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Hyka has done more in 5 minutes than Llullaku in 90.
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The level of our game was embarrassing.
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Aurora Bulkualis
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Anything north of the defence is trash. We're relying on a dude who's a perennial bench player at every club he's been to create assist, and a bunch of retirement age/semi-pro players. We need Sadiku desperately.

Leaving Xhaka and Cikalleshi out is also retarded. Especially Cikalleshi who can provide some link up play. Llullaku as CF????
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-Roshi in matches where we are expected to dominate possession is brutal to match. He should start matches in games where we'll sit back and counter (vs Italy, Spain, etc). Watching him cross the ball into his backyard in Fier is brutal..
-Llallaku strikes me as a poor man's Gashi and that's saying alot.
-Grezda seems like a high workrate defensive winger. Doesn't seem like he has much offensive talent.
-You can't play Basha and Abrashi in the same lineup vs a team like Lichenstein lol.
-I Woudn't even be opposed of having Hysaj play CB in a David Luiz role for Chelsea. Let him bomb forward as many times as he wants and this can get Balliu in the lineup.
-Not starting Sadiku is an insult. The guy has been playing amazing for Albania the past 16 months. Starting a guy like Llallaku over him is an even bigger insult (LedZep nailed it right on the head about Llalaku)
-Kinda mad we didn't see Latifi and Ahmedi earlier.

Panucci just seems like a Di Biaisi clone. Difference is that the players probably won't respect him the same way they respected GDB.
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^ Apparently Sadiku didn't play for a minor injury and Panucci didn't want to take the risk since the game with fyrom will be much harder.

The Italian commentator at the end of the game was saying that Abrashi was invisible. And that was against an amateur team like Lichtenstein. Now imagine with stronger opponents.
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Simboli i Diellit
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Rodon wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:34 am ^ Apparently Sadiku didn't play for a minor injury and Panucci didn't want to take the risk since the game with fyrom will be much harder.

The Italian commentator at the end of the game was saying that Abrashi was invisible. And that was against an amateur team like Lichtenstein. Now imagine with stronger opponents.
Sadiku eshte me grip. Sapo e ka kalu e aktualisht eshte ne rekuperim, po te shohesh intervisten e dallon qarte se eshte ne gjendje gripale. Ne keto kushte eshte e kote te perdoresh Sadikun per te rreziku qe te mos ishte ndaj Maqedonise.

Per sa i takon Abrashit duke ditur rolin prej Bulldogu qe luan besoj se ne mesfushe ai ka rekuperu gjysmen e topave , te pakten dyfishin e Bashes e Memushajt. Keto te dy te fundit kishin tre muaj pa loz me skuadrat respektive e Kukeli po rekuperohej prej nje problem ne kavilje. Me skuadra me te medha loja jone duket me e mire se nuk e mbajme ne topin. Po te shikosh pasimet e sakta mbi totalin e pasimeve jemy gjysme per gjysme , ndoshta ishte me mire Liechteinsteini ne kete pike. Duket sikur me lojtaret qe kemi nuk mund te luajme me pasime te shkurtra e te shpejta.
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Ec mo simboli, ate qe shkruajte per mesfushen duket si nje oksimoron.
Kur jemi kunder kundershtare me te forte keta as s'e shohin topin, kur luajme kunder fillestare si liktenshtejnin keta nuk bejn gje se s'kan cilesi teknike.
Praktikisht prania e tyre n'fushe eshte kot.
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i gotta agree with simbolli. abrashi is a pitbull, his game is not to create but instead to be a workhorse defensively. the issue is with the manager in inserting both him and basha in the lineup, maybe he's using this is a ''test'' match for the upcoming fixtures.
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Would of liked to have seen this formation against Macedonia

Balliu. Ajeti. Mavraj. Hysaj.
Xhaka. Kace. Basha
Ahmedi. Sadiku. Roshi.
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